New communication technologies are derived from devices and tools which were once considered at the forefront of communication are suddenly thought out of date. To decipher how and when new technologies are new is questionable. However, when looking back on the development of communication devices certain historical circumstances have in some cases forced the development and further use of new technologies. Considering the most obvious, war encouraged and effectively used devices such radio and telephone and in consequence became effectively used on a global basis. However, it could be more easily said that as the homo sapiens which we are, we are a species which gets bored easily and as a consequence experiment and expect new means of communication and development. Overall, it can be considered that old technologies are considered old when they are replaced by newer and more advanced technologies. It may seem ludicrous, however the list of technologies which we have either abandoned or upgraded follows:
- Oral
- Graphic
- Written
- Radio
- Television
- Mobile Phones
- Computers
- IM (MSN)
- Blogging
- YouTube, Flickr Twitter
- Social Networking